Sunraysia Daily
Sunraysia Daily has a proud history serving the Sunraysia region since it was first published on October 16, 1920.
Sunraysia Daily was formed by the amalgamation of the Mildura Cultivator, Mildura Telegraph and the Merbein Irrgationist to produce a daily paper to cover the region.
At this time Clement De Garis the owner of Sunraysia Daily had organised an Australian wide competition for the Australian Dried Fruits Association to find the best name for the dried fruits grown in the region. The winning entry “Sun-raysed” was altered to “Sunraysia” to describe the area from where the fruit came and he used the new word for the first time on the first issue of Sunraysia Daily on October 16, 1920. It was the first time a daily newspaper had been published to serve such a small population.
A significant change occurred to Sunraysia Daily on Saturday, September 15, 2007 when it was transformed to a tabloid size newspaper following 87 years as a broadsheet publication.
Sunraysia Daily is still published at 22 Deakin Avenue, Mildura and is now published on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
Sunraysia Daily remains locally owned by the Lanyon family and today employs over 40 full-time, part-time and casual staff who are responsible for publishing each issue. Sunraysia Daily takes pride in being a strong supporter of local charitable organisations and other community orientated activities.
Mildura is situated on the Murray River bordering the Victorian and New South Wales
Border. It is a rich agricultural area with rolling vineyards and citrus groves. The Mediterranean climate and fertile lands has encouraged people of all cultures to live in this oasis on the banks of the Murray. Today the Mildura region has a cosmopolitan flavour thanks to its multicultural society, world class wines, stunning restaurants and casual cafes, healthy arts culture and a busy year round calendar of festivals and celebrations.
The combination of water and warm, dry climate is perfect for holiday makers. The rivers provide hours of fun and entertainment with kayaking, swimming and skiing or spending time on the many sandy banks fishing or enjoying a family picnic. Houseboat holidays is a fantastic way to tour the area and really get a break from your everyday routine.
Circulation Area
Mildura and District, Far West New South Wales and the Swan Hill Shire including the towns of Colignan, Curlwaa, Dareton, Buronga, Euston, Gol Gol, Irymple, Merbein, Mildura, Monak, Ouyen, Red Cliffs, Robinvale, Swan Hill, Trentham Cliffs, Wentworth, Werrimull.